Thursday, January 8, 2009

Trials and Tribulations: Getting Through Them

Here it is, one week later and not one pound was lost. :-( Due to financial pettiness that came upon us, I was not able to go ‘raw, raw’ or completely vegetarian.
I ate as many fruits and vegetables as possible over the past week and only ate when I was hungry. Over the past two days though, I’ve had a couple of meat dishes — a helping of Hamburger Helper, and one sloppy joe with 8 onion rings. No popcorn or chips at night or through the day.
I’m going to continue carrying on! I think my body is resisting right now because it isn’t used to being worked out regularly and eating better. My butt, thighs and hamstrings feel nice and tight — I love the feeling!
After the first couple of workouts, my feet hurt extremely bad. However, I think it had more to do with it being easy, in our Florida weather, to throw on a pair of flip-flops — horrible for someone with arthritis in their feet. To combat the pain, for the past two days I’ve worn tennis shoes all day long and my feet feel a lot better!
Insomnia still plagues me. Last night I broke down and bought an OTC sleep med and slept seven straight hours, ahhhh, but I went to bed at 7:00pm because the night before I didn’t sleep a wink.
Today is a new day, right? The weight will come off, eventually, it has no choice. I think one thing that I’ve allowed to discourage me when trying to lose weight and eat healthy in the past was not losing weight ‘fast enough’; not this time though! My new attitude has to be one filled with not only positivity but logic — I did not get this way overnight, and I won’t lose it overnight.

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